class GitTown < Formula desc "High-level command-line interface for Git" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b012ea8736b6446bf73ca758815376eadc019c771fa2bbaaa142eb4f8bf2c971" bottle :unneeded conflicts_with "git-extras", :because => "git-town also ships a git-sync binary" def install libexec.install Dir["src/*"] bin.write_exec_script Dir["#{libexec}/git-*"] man1.install Dir["man/man1/*"] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To install the Fish shell autocompletions run: `git town install-fish-autocompletion` in your terminal. EOS end test do system "git", "init" touch "testing.txt" system "git", "add", "testing.txt" system "git", "commit", "-m", "Testing!" system "#{bin}/git-town", "config" end end