class Pound < Formula desc "Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for web servers" homepage "" url "" sha256 "cdfbf5a7e8dc8fbbe0d6c1e83cd3bd3f2472160aac65684bb01ef661c626a8e4" bottle do sha256 "c322d869b30e2b3b3e6ade660f1dcb85507d4bdc0db85553f76fa983c00fa661" => :el_capitan sha256 "aebc9ef8e97b4995923752811da180e83adcf2ef55d1809d7dc51b44a73d1b02" => :yosemite sha256 "74c64dba8bf19737259ad996f15bbf66bb2bcd24e71ef206ec4b0e6bf1042a70" => :mavericks sha256 "fa872353daeab3c6386f947b74c43932f66a20acf230575dec3afaf835edc22b" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "openssl" depends_on "pcre" depends_on "gperftools" => :recommended def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-tcmalloc" system "make" # Manual install to get around group issues sbin.install "pound", "poundctl" man8.install "pound.8", "poundctl.8" end test do (testpath/"pound.cfg").write <<-EOS.undent ListenHTTP Address Port 80 Service HeadRequire "Host: .**" BackEnd Address Port 80 End End End EOS system "#{sbin}/pound", "-f", "#{testpath}/pound.cfg", "-c" end end