class Yaws < Formula desc "Webserver for dynamic content (written in Erlang)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fbe54fe64455b447d0d44aed4d51402f42c81743ad5e1f1a09d888f2ef54de07" head "" bottle do sha256 "1ee10be2188e6dc7c2e01def77e2e8201d4ebf4adf6ac8321569e12b6e1aa0c6" => :el_capitan sha256 "fa73b56f2fae2f2a6ffd988a846e16329d9e498738d39b2416830ba7373f2afc" => :yosemite sha256 "696fe509205bbc64331c3d6c83894d1b39ee996a42e5157b7a8a50bb10470458" => :mavericks end option "without-yapp", "Omit yaws applications" option "32-bit" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "erlang" # the default config expects these folders to exist skip_clean "var/log/yaws" skip_clean "lib/yaws/examples/ebin" skip_clean "lib/yaws/examples/include" def install if build.build_32_bit? ENV.append %w[CFLAGS LDFLAGS], "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit}" end system "autoreconf", "-fvi" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", # Ensure pam headers are found on Xcode-only installs "--with-extrainclude=#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr/include/security" system "make", "install" if build.with? "yapp" cd "applications/yapp" do system "make" system "make", "install" end end # the default config expects these folders to exist (lib/"yaws/examples/ebin").mkpath (lib/"yaws/examples/include").mkpath (var/"log/yaws").mkpath (var/"yaws/www").mkpath end test do system bin/"yaws", "--version" end end