require 'formula' class Sickbeard < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'fee7c987f12dc48f0d7c057c9f61c180' head '' depends_on 'Cheetah' => :python def install prefix.install Dir['*'] bin.mkpath (bin+"sickbeard").write(startup_script) (prefix+"com.sickbeard.sickbeard.plist").write(startup_plist) (prefix+"com.sickbeard.sickbeard.plist").chmod 0644 end def startup_plist; <<-EOS.undent Label com.sickbeard.sickbeard ProgramArguments #{bin}/sickbeard -q --nolaunch -p 8081 RunAtLoad UserName #{`whoami`.chomp} EOS end def startup_script; <<-EOS.undent #!/usr/bin/env ruby me = begin File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), File.readlink(__FILE__) ) ) rescue __FILE__ end path = File.join(File.dirname(me), '..', '') args = ["--pidfile=#{var}/run/", "--datadir=#{etc}/sickbeard"] exec("python", path, *(args + ARGV)) EOS end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent SickBeard will start up and launch http://localhost:8081/ when you run: sickbeard To launch automatically on startup, copy and paste the following into a terminal: mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents (launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.sickbeard.sickbeard.plist 2>/dev/null || true) ln -sf #{prefix}/com.sickbeard.sickbeard.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.sickbeard.sickbeard.plist launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.sickbeard.sickbeard.plist You may want to edit: #{prefix}/com.sickbeard.sickbeard.plist to change the port (default: 8081) or user (default: #{`whoami`.chomp}). EOS end end