class Exiftool < Formula desc "Perl lib for reading and writing EXIF metadata" homepage "" # Ensure release is tagged production before submitting. # url "" sha256 "6ba1b2eb433637661781be239feda1f6101889a0925d3e58bbe51a4901842aed" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "cc919ff969fc3059feb2f8fc8a7d2ae71a14f06c1e114ef5ad58cc32bc14989d" => :mojave sha256 "a753014c186f64b50efeb4d9b9ce60a0a672522f9eeb601ee63a647c2395000a" => :high_sierra sha256 "846b7dcbebdd72f1b372e3b75b5a3b80ef3ef518f014885b823a494d5911b845" => :sierra end def install # replace the hard-coded path to the lib directory inreplace "exiftool", "$exeDir/lib", libexec/"lib" system "perl", "Makefile.PL" system "make", "all" libexec.install "lib" bin.install "exiftool" doc.install Dir["html/*"] man1.install "blib/man1/exiftool.1" man3.install Dir["blib/man3/*"] end test do test_image = test_fixtures("test.jpg") assert_match %r{MIME Type\s+: image/jpeg}, shell_output("#{bin}/exiftool #{test_image}") end end