require 'formula' class Tmap < Formula homepage '' url '', :tag => 'tmap.3.2.0' head '' env :std option '32-bit' option 'indels', 'Enable adjacent insertion and deletions in the alignment' option 'perf', 'Enable google performance tools for profiling and heap checking' option 'nocolor', 'Disable terminal coloring' depends_on :automake depends_on :libtool depends_on 'google-perftools' if build.include? 'perf' fails_with :clang do build 425 cause 'Missing symbols being discussed in iontorrent/TMAP#3' end def install system 'sh', '' args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} ] args << '--enable-32bit-support' if build.include? '32-bit' or not MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args << '--enable-perftools' if build.include? 'perf' args << '--disable-coloring' if build.include? 'nocolor' args << '--enable-adjacent-indels' if build.include? 'indels' system "./configure", *args ENV.j1 system 'make' system "make install" end def test system "#{bin}/tmap", "-v" end end