require 'formula' class Ledger < Formula homepage '' stable do url '' sha1 '5b8e7d8199acb116f13720a5a469fff1f14b4041' depends_on 'gettext' depends_on 'pcre' depends_on 'expat' depends_on 'libofx' => :optional end head do url '', :branch => 'master' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'ninja' => :build depends_on 'mpfr' end option 'debug', 'Build with debugging symbols enabled' depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'gmp' depends_on :python => :optional def install # find Homebrew's libpcre ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib" if build.head? # Support homebrew not at /usr/local. Also support Xcode-only setups: inreplace 'acprep', 'search_prefixes = [', "search_prefixes = ['#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}','#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr'," args = [((build.include? 'debug') ? 'debug' : 'opt'), "make", "install", "-N", "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}", "--output=build"] args << '--python' if build.with? 'python' system "./acprep", "--prefix=#{prefix}", *args (share+'ledger').install 'python/', 'test/input/sample.dat', Dir['contrib'] else args = [] if build.with? 'libofx' args << "--enable-ofx" # the libofx.h appears to have moved to a subdirectory ENV.append 'CXXFLAGS', "-I#{Formula.factory('libofx').opt_prefix}/include/libofx" end system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", *args system 'make' ENV.deparallelize system 'make install' (share+'ledger').install 'sample.dat', Dir['scripts'] end end test do output = `#{bin}/ledger --file #{share}/ledger/sample.dat balance --collapse equity` assert_equal ' $-2,500.00 Equity', output.split(/\n/)[0] assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus if build.head? and build.with? 'python' system "python", "#{share}/ledger/" end end end