class Pius < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "PGP individual UID signer" homepage "" url "" sha256 "2a3a7f1c4ecaa7df46fa7c791387f2de5ef377a8f769fc325ba067d225ebfc79" revision 1 head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "19db3d8573539c391c13e4f168c61ccc07a8d275e397207e51d04fee4a2f695f" => :sierra sha256 "47a73a40992522c5834b81bc8f6888db64b2ae381e6e2287fa1e1fac366347b7" => :el_capitan sha256 "8d9e44165fa23aa04484118977188186ff0becd0fbf6cbd498ea88121322ac15" => :yosemite sha256 "8879e7d0fc7970e838091dfaed8b1d36676528cc185cdda4908c63858b8b124b" => :mavericks end depends_on :gpg => :run def install # Replace hardcoded gpg path (WONTFIX) inreplace "libpius/", %r{/usr/bin/gpg2?}, "/usr/bin/env gpg" virtualenv_install_with_resources end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The path to gpg is hardcoded in pius as `/usr/bin/env gpg`. You can specify a different path by editing ~/.pius: gpg-path=/path/to/gpg EOS end test do system bin/"pius", "-T" end end