require "language/go" class ThePlatinumSearcher < Formula desc "Multi-platform code-search similar to ack and ag" homepage "" url "" sha256 "437f5f0e283530ea95275ef5fd9abe460218d7e868883355a85a672f30070ee9" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "0d3979c24e1dc16b2facf14031b4cb72f1306a783470fb296e9a59b19222e91a" => :el_capitan sha256 "3abdcc4eae1a77c137947974c1ee4e1e1d34d80022729fe45978a1183412a492" => :yosemite sha256 "2ee014d17b5017224105c472a2397916382918f6a31d93d1f88d811ba3ee8870" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "0a28dbe50f23d8fce6b016975b964cfe7b97a20a" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "6d255869fb99937f1f287bd1fe3a034c6c4f68f6" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "691ac7d4ac14053de3cbe16e07b79246300db97d" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "c980adc4a823548817b9c47d38c6ca6b7d7d8b6a" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "056c9bc7be7190eaa7715723883caffa5f8fa3e4" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "6d68c9aa4183844ddc1655481798fe4d90d483e9" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "1ffeeb6761d4574b515b2cfede9073d2eac5fbfc" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "25d9dda593924a11ea52e4ffbc8abdb0dbe96401" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "c1cd2254a6dd314c9d73c338c12688c9325d85c6" end def install mkdir_p buildpath/"src/" ln_s buildpath, buildpath/"src/" ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath Language::Go.stage_deps resources, buildpath/"src" system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"pt", "cmd/pt/main.go" end test do path = testpath/"hello_world.txt" path.write "Hello World!" lines = `#{bin}/pt 'Hello World!' #{path}`.strip.split(":") assert_equal "Hello World!", lines[2] end end