class Pastebinit < Formula desc "Send things to pastebin from the command-line" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0d931dddb3744ed38aa2d319dd2d8a2f38a391011ff99db68ce7c83ab8f5b62f" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "c4ba9f88e6fad1b21fb2b433adf16855086063c143df0b10aea669dce3df189a" => :el_capitan sha256 "42f4b20a8f4361de3f03077bda5c2ecdac87759723ac383b562f0c21b8791d93" => :yosemite sha256 "628ce64e3127dff93a92aa08019ad7c191f0b285dc8ed8cc2248c09d72abc5f5" => :mavericks end depends_on "python3" depends_on "docbook2x" => :build def install inreplace "pastebinit", "/usr/bin/python3", Formula["python3"].opt_bin + "python3" inreplace "pastebinit", "/usr/local/etc/pastebin.d", etc + "pastebin.d" system "docbook2man", "pastebinit.xml" bin.install "pastebinit" etc.install "pastebin.d" man1.install "PASTEBINIT.1" => "pastebinit.1" libexec.install "po", "utils" end test do url = pipe_output("#{bin}/pastebinit", "Hello, world!").chomp assert_match %r{^http://pastebin\.com/}, url # We can't actually fetch the URL to check the paste's success because pastebin # blocks our fetches with curl, probably based on the user agent end end