class Qwt < Formula desc "Qt Widgets for Technical Applications (v5.1)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f996074eb50cafa06d45dc41cc1c18a087287d9f2079cc817eb8cfc96b710885" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "aa7c63dfca5596afd895dffea6d0ba32c1facd02a2c387ec413beec7f9bb533a" => :el_capitan sha256 "3151dd0893bec7443b165491eb7d01d228da341af8c3602c2261b8e94ea24f76" => :yosemite sha256 "f553686487410a74e9eaf09e974908d9833a08ba256cae06fe01fe50a912d12a" => :mavericks end option "with-qwtmathml", "Build the qwtmathml library" option "without-plugin", "Skip building the Qt Designer plugin" depends_on "qt" # Update designer plugin linking back to qwt framework/lib after install # See: patch :DATA def install inreplace "qwtconfig.pri" do |s| s.gsub! /^\s*QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX\s*=(.*)$/, "QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{prefix}" s.sub! /\+(=\s*QwtDesigner)/, "-\\1" if build.without? "plugin" # Install Qt plugin in `lib/qt4/plugins/designer`, not `plugins/designer`. s.sub! %r{(= \$\$\{QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX\})/(plugins/designer)$}, "\\1/lib/qt4/\\2" end args = ["-config", "release", "-spec"] # On Mavericks we want to target libc++, this requires a unsupported/macx-clang-libc++ flag if ENV.compiler == :clang && MacOS.version >= :mavericks args << "unsupported/macx-clang-libc++" else args << "macx-g++" end if build.with? "qwtmathml" args << "QWT_CONFIG+=QwtMathML" prefix.install "textengines/mathml/qtmmlwidget-license" end system "qmake", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end def caveats s = "" if build.with? "qwtmathml" s += <<-EOS.undent The qwtmathml library contains code of the MML Widget from the Qt solutions package. Beside the Qwt license you also have to take care of its license: #{opt_prefix}/qtmmlwidget-license EOS end s end test do (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<-EOS.undent #include int main() { QwtPlotCurve *curve1 = new QwtPlotCurve("Curve 1"); return (curve1 == NULL); } EOS system ENV.cxx, "test.cpp", "-o", "out", "-framework", "qwt", "-framework", "QtCore", "-F#{lib}", "-F#{Formula["qt"].opt_lib}", "-I#{lib}/qwt.framework/Headers", "-I#{Formula["qt"].opt_lib}/QtCore.framework/Headers", "-I#{Formula["qt"].opt_lib}/QtGui.framework/Headers" system "./out" end end __END__ diff --git a/designer/ b/designer/ index c269e9d..c2e07ae 100644 --- a/designer/ +++ b/designer/ @@ -126,6 +126,16 @@ contains(QWT_CONFIG, QwtDesigner) { target.path = $${QWT_INSTALL_PLUGINS} INSTALLS += target + + macx { + contains(QWT_CONFIG, QwtFramework) { + QWT_LIB = qwt.framework/Versions/$${QWT_VER_MAJ}/qwt + } + else { + QWT_LIB = libqwt.$${QWT_VER_MAJ}.dylib + } + QMAKE_POST_LINK = install_name_tool -change $${QWT_LIB} $${QWT_INSTALL_LIBS}/$${QWT_LIB} $(DESTDIR)$(TARGET) + } } else { TEMPLATE = subdirs # do nothing