class Sysdig < Formula desc "System-level exploration and troubleshooting tool" homepage "" url "" sha256 "72a809b32153713e6d8697e86ee821eb969fa0ec486fa7432471374feb0f1da5" bottle do sha256 "dbe1d7ff71b897c90c0f03ce5eaf58b99ec1bda0e13b0fac8291673931dd4888" => :el_capitan sha256 "d4e74babf2536adc5a3ae0f945d1bd8c2c5973ffc21eafda520093ed37db42bd" => :yosemite sha256 "bcf38bd0513fefff5ed41f6ebf908d348050c7c9157c58e047656fe6f8ce29b2" => :mavericks end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "luajit" # More info on resource "sample_file" do url "" sha256 "efe287e651a3deea5e87418d39e0fe1e9dc55c6886af4e952468cd64182ee7ef" end def install ENV.libcxx if MacOS.version < :mavericks mkdir "build" do args = %W[ -DSYSDIG_VERSION=#{version} -DUSE_BUNDLED_LUAJIT=OFF -DUSE_BUNDLED_ZLIB=OFF ] + std_cmake_args system "cmake", "..", *args system "make", "install" end (share/"demos").install resource("sample_file").files("sample.scap") end test do # tests if it can load chisels `#{bin}/sysdig -cl` assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus # tests if it can read a sample capture file # uses a custom output format because evt.time (in default format) is not UTC expected_output = "1 open fd=5(/tmp/sysdig/sample.scap) name=sample.scap(/tmp/sysdig/sample.scap) flags=262(O_TRUNC|O_CREAT|O_WRONLY) mode=0" assert_equal expected_output, `#{bin}/sysdig -r #{share}/demos/sample.scap -p "%evt.num %evt.type %evt.args" "evt.type=open and contains /tmp/sysdig/sample.scap"`.strip assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus end end