class SsllabsScan < Formula desc "This tool is a command-line client for the SSL Labs APIs" homepage "" url "" sha256 "51c52e958d5da739910e9271a3abf4902892b91acb840ea74f5c052a71e3a008" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "eab95a02c320153e8bcc68bcbc960665fd7b755d9a339d4bdd6618d5d33714e6" => :mojave sha256 "91041d74d4bd340c53f15bab9c43fb6d7757601e0da00d810cdc2733a6e6c9a5" => :high_sierra sha256 "a2e66ec0c5e565428d2cc33906d8eecf38697e503cedb95f4817c8f186537f73" => :sierra end depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"ssllabs-scan", "ssllabs-scan-v3.go" end def caveats; <<~EOS By installing this package you agree to the Terms and Conditions defined by Qualys. You can find the terms and conditions at this link: If you do not agree with those you should uninstall the formula. EOS end test do system "#{bin}/ssllabs-scan", "-grade", "-quiet", "-usecache", "" end end