require 'formula' class Riemann < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'f77769345691f7276a58feb6be4ba3857753cf86' def shim_script <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ] then config="#{etc}/riemann.config" else config=$@ fi exec "#{libexec}/bin/riemann" "$config" EOS end def install if (etc/'riemann.config').exist? (prefix/'etc').install 'etc/riemann.config' => '' else etc.install 'etc/riemann.config' end # Install jars in libexec to avoid conflicts libexec.install Dir['*'] (bin+'riemann').write shim_script end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent You may also wish to install these Ruby gems: riemann-client riemann-tools riemann-dash EOS end end