class Mame < Formula desc "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator" homepage "" url "" version "0.193" sha256 "6b5e90b602befbcad2b6989b1e930d0ff6e537dc901f7b1615a3e6deec2207a2" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "b2c1a670afd51a2f2d4e592c389977ef90538b00b2915e466856486a0a28f06b" => :high_sierra sha256 "9de562b2a1618250aff714b294af08ca4eef326c09e3452a32625789d79243a8" => :sierra sha256 "1ca0cef597aac0f41c8d1f485467d6b6f0638956eda57f70d5bbdb0979cbe792" => :el_capitan end depends_on :macos => :yosemite depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "sphinx-doc" => :build depends_on "sdl2" depends_on "jpeg" depends_on "flac" depends_on "sqlite" depends_on "portmidi" depends_on "portaudio" depends_on "utf8proc" # Need C++ compiler and standard library support C++14. needs :cxx14 # jpeg 9 compatibility patch do url "" sha256 "be8095e1b519f17ac4b9e6208f2d434e47346d8b4a8faf001b68749aac3efd20" end def install inreplace "scripts/src/osd/sdl.lua", "--static", "" system "make", "USE_LIBSDL=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_EXPAT=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_ZLIB=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_JPEG=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_FLAC=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_LUA=", # Homebrew's lua@5.3 can't build with MAME yet. "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_SQLITE3=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PORTMIDI=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PORTAUDIO=1", "USE_SYSTEM_LIB_UTF8PROC=1" bin.install "mame64" => "mame" cd "docs" do system "make", "text" doc.install Dir["build/text/*"] system "make", "man" man1.install "build/man/MAME.1" => "mame.1" end pkgshare.install %w[artwork bgfx hash ini keymaps plugins samples uismall.bdf] end test do assert shell_output("#{bin}/mame -help").start_with? "MAME v#{version}" system "#{bin}/mame", "-validate" end end