class Ibex < Formula desc "C++ library for constraint processing over real numbers." homepage "" url "" sha256 "fe480af2fcf14b484cf2137ffb414ab4ebb402cf445687a04e45202ba88d3a8f" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "7b6399e309cce08ca90d9fb5079823edde266624c300d36af33dc6f67ed8e67d" => :high_sierra sha256 "ef2deaa7e7315bd9bbe3367b767cbefbfc1f9a1a91bd0464be83b9c6ad66d8f6" => :sierra sha256 "ef1b5894f381de2e629176702c7154fc94221ca5f15bf92c91d36fb0f0f4c9fc" => :el_capitan end option "with-java", "Enable Java bindings for CHOCO solver." option "with-ampl", "Use AMPL file loader plugin" option "without-ensta-robotics", "Don't build the Contractors for robotics (SLAM) plugin" depends_on :java => ["1.8+", :optional] depends_on "bison" => :build depends_on "flex" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build needs :cxx11 def install ENV.cxx11 # Reported 9 Oct 2017 ENV.deparallelize if build.with?("java") && build.with?("ampl") odie "Cannot set options --with-java and --with-ampl simultaneously for now." end args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-shared --with-optim --lp-lib=soplex ] args << "--with-jni" if build.with? "java" args << "--with-ampl" if build.with? "ampl" args << "--with-param-estim" if build.with? "param-estim" system "./waf", "configure", *args system "./waf", "install" pkgshare.install %w[examples plugins/solver/benchs] (pkgshare/"examples/symb01.txt").write <<-EOS.undent function f(x) return ((2*x,-x);(-x,3*x)); end EOS end test do cp_r (pkgshare/"examples").children, testpath # so that pkg-config can remain a build-time only dependency inreplace %w[makefile slam/makefile] do |s| s.gsub! /CXXFLAGS.*pkg-config --cflags ibex./, "CXXFLAGS := -I#{include} -I#{include}/ibex "\ "-I#{include}/ibex/3rd" s.gsub! /LIBS.*pkg-config --libs ibex./, "LIBS := -L#{lib} -libex" end system "make", "lab1", "lab2", "lab3", "lab4" system "make", "-C", "slam", "slam1", "slam2", "slam3" %w[lab1 lab2 lab3 lab4].each { |a| system "./#{a}" } %w[slam1 slam2 slam3].each { |a| system "./slam/#{a}" } end end