class Pstoedit < Formula desc "Convert PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics" homepage "" url "" sha256 "06b86113f7847cbcfd4e0623921a8763143bbcaef9f9098e6def650d1ff8138c" revision 2 bottle do sha256 "319234b9126aeb338850b4d9bb2db68da75bee8d2025894726897976b5e4633a" => :high_sierra sha256 "085860d9480d7d9558697d403f6628466a8fdfe52f568f21793568d1c71747f2" => :sierra sha256 "ee6634e964c7687c5614c9e4358737154ab6f29d53a104416bdc1509b33e6930" => :el_capitan sha256 "6330be58259fcfa74062eb1ebfa5eced31aea86ae5f1ce6b2bf49e2f544b3d73" => :yosemite end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "plotutils" depends_on "ghostscript" depends_on "imagemagick" depends_on "xz" if MacOS.version < :mavericks # Fix for pstoedit search for plugins, thereby restoring formats that # worked in 3.62 but now don't in 3.70, including PIC, DXF, FIG, and # many others. # # This patch has been submitted upstream; see: # # # Taken from: # # # This patch changes the behavior of "make install" so that: # * If common/plugindir is defined, it checks only that directory. # * It swaps the check order: First checks whether PSTOEDITLIBDIR exists. If # it exists, it skips blind attempts to find plugins. # As PSTOEDITLIBDIR is always defined by makefile, the blind fallback will # be attempted only in obscure environments. patch do url "" sha256 "9af1bbc9db97f5d5dc92816e5c5fdd5f98904f64d1ab0dd6fcdcde1fd8606ce6" end def install ENV.deparallelize system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do system bin/"pstoedit", "-f", "gs:pdfwrite", test_fixtures(""), "test.pdf" assert_predicate testpath/"test.pdf", :exist? end end