class Treefrog < Formula desc "High-speed C++ MVC Framework for Web Application" homepage "" url "" sha256 "85fb8bb4271fc482959f9d0f46eb28b6abe8453d378341a99774a43d1f7c87c9" head "" bottle do sha256 "6c1398ebc178176888a02a3ce244455e88c17433c3d9dc1eb0067e7772bb2fc4" => :high_sierra sha256 "397a1b29e4360479db8ea6ba139e10f1df54eb60064b16e8b3230764b2ee6cc1" => :sierra sha256 "124b9f9e2fbde088ee8d4462efb38142bde569603ff1b1b656d9f601a1f941b0" => :el_capitan end deprecated_option "with-qt5" => "with-qt" option "with-mysql", "enable --with-mysql option for Qt build" option "with-postgresql", "enable --with-postgresql option for Qt build" option "with-qt", "build and link with QtGui module" depends_on :macos => :el_capitan depends_on :xcode => [:build, "8.0"] qt_build_options = [] qt_build_options << "with-mysql" if build.with?("mysql") qt_build_options << "with-postgresql" if build.with?("postgresql") depends_on "qt" => qt_build_options def install args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"] args << "--enable-gui-mod" if build.with? "qt" system "./configure", *args cd "src" do system "make" system "make", "install" end cd "tools" do system "make" system "make", "install" end end test do system bin/"tspawn", "new", "hello" assert_predicate testpath/"hello", :exist? cd "hello" do assert_predicate Pathname.pwd/"", :exist? system HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt/qt/bin/qmake" assert_predicate Pathname.pwd/"Makefile", :exist? system "make" system bin/"treefrog", "-v" end end end