class Pex < Formula desc "Package manager for PostgreSQL" homepage "" url "" sha256 "5047946a2f83e00de4096cd2c3b1546bc07be431d758f97764a36b32b8f0ae57" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e70109b6072294b61cbce99ac20daf8a1a522712a1b4f446b698b5291ffca2df" => :el_capitan sha256 "afeae97bf3099f85d4a2c3a0ec499fb7b0d596e45ddf90185d8b84d195353c0d" => :yosemite sha256 "6280d3f74d9e845da7a274d47e509572192d7dcdc4e7e63230be0fc21d21875b" => :mavericks end depends_on :postgresql def install system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "mandir=#{man}" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent If installing for the first time, perform the following in order to setup the necessary directory structure: pex init EOS end test do assert_match /share\/pex\/packages/, `pex --repo`.strip end end