class M2c < Formula desc "Modula-2 to C compiler" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b725ed617f376e1a321e059bf1985098e950965d5edab161c6b24526f10a59bc" head "" bottle do sha256 "41ec9e9d3cb13e9964934a337daf04567b82591aa00dcd37a2bff6211cc98f08" => :catalina sha256 "aa393a46d4182ad747153a3f7dbd4f8188b35f9677e0fce322ac6d0c5c86fa21" => :mojave sha256 "86e4297b644fed6095a29cd67885e8c72d3abfcc259e3d19f2692e01b39f44a0" => :high_sierra sha256 "e98a99fb06c6b72bd0cf11d8369df21e1e9e57253e0a9d63ae8641444079df93" => :sierra sha256 "4aa6ac4f5fd855f4f84d5577ff6f79495fda9edc2ce5335c64bd96a881975eb0" => :el_capitan sha256 "67659bd6a5fe922c1b34d5068a5cecbfee1f804e5ff432e32c8682a04029ccac" => :yosemite sha256 "7bf62153eeb0976851785db04e1319f745709294aa9d0bc99e47ffee3eba1315" => :mavericks end # Hacks purely for this 0.7 release. Git head already fixes installation glitches. # Will remove hacks on release of next version. def install # The config for "gcc" works for clang also. cp "config/generic-gcc.h", "config/generic-clang.h" system "./configure", "+cc=#{}" # Makefile is buggy! inreplace "Makefile", "install: all uninstall", "install: all" inreplace "Makefile", "mkdir", "mkdir -p" include.mkpath system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "man1dir=#{man1}" end test do hello_mod = "Hello.mod" hello_exe = testpath/"Hello" (testpath/hello_mod).write <<~EOS MODULE Hello; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteLn, WriteString; BEGIN WriteString ("Hello world!"); WriteLn; END Hello. EOS system "#{bin}/m2c", "-make", hello_mod, "-o", hello_exe assert_equal "Hello world!\n", shell_output(hello_exe) end end