class Csync < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "8df896be17f7f038260159469a6968a9d563cb3c" head "git://" bottle do sha1 "c7934c397dc23b7f91bc73da7fc2a1086caf0644" => :yosemite sha1 "4678a5c8787a3ef569ec8bc3ae62dbc011aa67dd" => :mavericks sha1 "a47861728aa4d4cb4c26423afcc45ae942a415e5" => :mountain_lion end depends_on 'check' => :build depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'doxygen' => [:build, :optional] depends_on 'argp-standalone' depends_on 'iniparser' depends_on 'sqlite' depends_on 'libssh' => :optional depends_on 'log4c' => :optional depends_on 'samba' => :optional depends_on :macos => :lion def install mkdir "build" unless build.head? cd 'build' do system "cmake", "..", *std_cmake_args # We need to run make csync first to make the "core", # or the build system will freak out and try to link # modules against core functions that aren't compiled # yet. We also have to patch "link.txt" for all module # targets. This should probably be reported upstream. system "make csync" inreplace Dir['modules/CMakeFiles/*/link.txt'] do |s| s.gsub! '-o', "../src/libcsync.dylib ../src/std/libcstdlib.a -o" end # Now we can make and install. system "make all" system "make install" end end test do system bin/"csync", "-V" end end