require 'formula' class Slimerjs < Formula homepage '' url "" sha256 "3c9c7d01c58796e56f5d5b73f643bd99ddafd4ef2b1cc246d9e3b78108aceb5e" head '' bottle do cellar :any sha1 "2913341c917994a4c49d464b93a6aa25d12fc4d3" => :mavericks sha1 "8ffe412b951816b089246d8b3587a441aa7c973b" => :mountain_lion end if MacOS.version > :snow_leopard option "without-xulrunner", "Build without xulrunner (requires a installed Firefox)" depends_on "xulrunner" => :recommended end def install unless build.stable? cd "src" system "zip", "-r", "omni.ja", "chrome/", "components/", "modules/", "defaults/", "chrome.manifest", "-x@package_exclude.lst" end libexec.install ["application.ini", "omni.ja", "slimerjs", ""] bin.install_symlink libexec/"slimerjs" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent You can set the environment variable SLIMERJSLAUNCHER to a installation of Mozilla Firefox (or Mozilla XULRunner) to use this version with SlimerJS instead of the one installed by Homebrew (this is required if build without xulrunner). For a standard Mozilla Firefox installation this would be: export SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=/Applications/ Note: If you use SlimerJS with an unstable version of Mozilla Firefox/XULRunner (>29.*) you may have to change the [Gecko]MaxVersion in: #{libexec}/application.ini EOS end test do system "#{bin}/slimerjs", "-v" curl "-O", "" system "#{bin}/slimerjs", "loadspeed.js", "" end end