require 'formula' class Pdnsrec < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '1809003427b2e1b82e5bcaf55dfbaf02d7b1227a' depends_on :macos => :lion depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'lua' => :optional def install # Set overrides using environment variables ENV['DESTDIR'] = "#{prefix}" ENV['OPTFLAGS'] = "-O0" ENV.O0 # Include Lua if requested if build.include? 'with-lua' ENV['LUA'] = "1" ENV['LUA_CPPFLAGS_CONFIG'] = "-I#{Formula["lua"].opt_prefix}/include" ENV['LUA_LIBS_CONFIG'] = "-llua" end # Add Homebrew prefix to config file location inreplace "config.h", "/etc/", "#{etc}/" # Compile system "make basic_checks" system "make" # Do the install manually bin.install "rec_control" sbin.install "pdns_recursor" man1.install "pdns_recursor.1", "rec_control.1" # Generate a default configuration file (prefix/'etc/powerdns').mkpath system "#{sbin}/pdns_recursor --config > #{prefix}/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf" end end