class Tundra < Formula desc "Code build system that tries to be fast for incremental builds" homepage "" url "" sha256 "dc3cbaf977bdbd0b70e70c455656a6ed69ecd110a5ca9eb938789c044774ddbd" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "731ba1d0b69a0697049f09bf428135743fbbe6aac5422f5983be8bde84550f86" => :mojave sha256 "ed4b8f4972973c2c1eb1ba4cc68523bb77fae42b9e05b32d7af8f2ee62c6479a" => :high_sierra sha256 "f64f3d3677204d32b25c1819dc3cce4c61bc0a18e66256921862e8d472bc4049" => :sierra sha256 "e0c6dd40d2efdcd58bb6976b924b51104e1435f2b93255894d766cca80ff894c" => :el_capitan end resource "gtest" do url "" sha256 "58a6f4277ca2bc8565222b3bbd58a177609e9c488e8a72649359ba51450db7d8" end def install (buildpath/"unittest/googletest").install resource("gtest") system "make" system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~'EOS' #include int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } EOS (testpath/"tundra.lua").write <<~'EOS' Build { Units = function() local test = Program { Name = "test", Sources = { "test.c" }, } Default(test) end, Configs = { { Name = "macosx-clang", DefaultOnHost = "macosx", Tools = { "clang-osx" }, }, }, } EOS system bin/"tundra2" system "./t2-output/macosx-clang-debug-default/test" end end