class Hive < Formula desc "Hadoop-based data summarization, query, and analysis" homepage "" url "" sha256 "776eebe99fe283040ed07cf3daa73b5741488a2fb910f619909ed662f27fd12b" bottle :unneeded depends_on :java => "1.7+" depends_on "hadoop" def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.cmd", "bin/ext/*.cmd", "bin/ext/util/*.cmd"] libexec.install %w[bin conf examples hcatalog lib scripts] Pathname.glob("#{libexec}/bin/*") do |file| next if (bin/file.basename).write_env_script file, Language::Java.java_home_env("1.7+").merge(:HIVE_HOME => libexec) end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Hadoop must be in your path for hive executable to work. If you want to use HCatalog with Pig, set $HCAT_HOME in your profile: export HCAT_HOME=#{libexec}/hcatalog EOS end test do system "#{bin}/schematool", "-initSchema", "-dbType", "derby" assert_match "Hive #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/hive --version") end end