require 'formula' class Emacs < Formula url '' md5 '917ce0054ef63773078a6e99b55df1ee' homepage '' head 'bzr://' fails_with_llvm "Duplicate symbol errors while linking.", :build => 2334 # Stripping on Xcode 4 causes malformed object errors skip_clean ["bin/emacs", "bin/emacs-23.3", "bin/emacs-24.0.50"] def options [ ["--cocoa", "Build a Cocoa version of emacs"], ["--srgb", "Enable sRGB colors in the Cocoa version of emacs"], ["--with-x", "Include X11 support"], ] end def patches p = [] # Fix for building with Xcode 4; harmless on Xcode 3.x. unless ARGV.build_head? p << "" # Fix for address randomization on Darwin. Based on: # p << "" # Fix for the titlebar issue on Mac OS X 10.7 p << "" # Fix for Shift key for IME users p << "" end if ARGV.include? "--cocoa" # Fullscreen patch, works against 23.3 and HEAD. p << "" end return p end def install args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--without-dbus", "--enable-locallisppath=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp", "--infodir=#{info}/emacs"] if ARGV.build_head? and File.exists? "./autogen/copy_autogen" opoo "Using copy_autogen" puts "See" system "autogen/copy_autogen" end if ARGV.include? "--cocoa" # Patch for color issues described here: # if ARGV.include? "--srgb" inreplace "src/nsterm.m", "*col = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: 1.0];", "*col = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: 1.0];" end args << "--with-ns" << "--disable-ns-self-contained" system "./configure", *args system "make bootstrap" system "make install" prefix.install "nextstep/" unless ARGV.build_head? bin.mkpath ln_s prefix+'', bin+'emacs' ln_s prefix+'', bin ln_s prefix+'', bin end else if ARGV.include? "--with-x" ENV.x11 args << "--with-x" args << "--with-gif=no" << "--with-tiff=no" << "--with-jpeg=no" else args << "--without-x" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" end end def caveats s = "" if ARGV.include? "--cocoa" s += <<-EOS.undent was installed to: #{prefix} Command-line emacs can be used by setting up an alias: alias emacs="#{prefix}/ -nw" To link the application to a normal Mac OS X location: brew linkapps or: ln -s #{prefix}/ /Applications EOS end return s end end