class Pius < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "PGP individual UID signer" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fef64e5b2d239770a7dd1a42c600b319da77087e549f3e8ade0f95a4ee11dab0" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "2778646308e77a969894ca4f5d0e0d89ebae865b81c6a2f2dec63e4633d7d6b5" => :sierra sha256 "7cc107c732cef3855444ac1e60e435538a45ceeebc657b0bb74af4c6ee173534" => :el_capitan sha256 "2d428378ed6f08f04715b24c9145a1cf68fa49e8f8492fdff0bb532718c5310c" => :yosemite end depends_on :gpg => :run def install # Replace hardcoded gpg path (WONTFIX) inreplace "libpius/", %r{/usr/bin/gpg2?}, "/usr/bin/env gpg" virtualenv_install_with_resources end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The path to gpg is hardcoded in pius as `/usr/bin/env gpg`. You can specify a different path by editing ~/.pius: gpg-path=/path/to/gpg EOS end test do system bin/"pius", "-T" end end