require 'formula' class Flac < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'a136e5748f8fb1e6c524c75000a765fc63bb7b1b' option :universal depends_on 'xz' => :build depends_on 'lame' depends_on 'libogg' => :optional # Mavericks fix needs autoreconf. Drop these after upstream has # incorporated the patch. depends_on :autoconf => :build depends_on :automake => :build depends_on :libtool => :build depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build fails_with :llvm do build 2326 cause "Undefined symbols when linking" end def patches # Fixes compilation on mac os 10.9 maverick. # { :p0 => "" } end def install ENV.universal_binary if build.universal? # Mavericks fix needs autoreconf. Drop this line after upstream has # incorporated the patch. system "./" # sadly the asm optimisations won't compile since Leopard system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-debug", "--disable-asm-optimizations", "--enable-sse", "--enable-static", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" ENV['OBJ_FORMAT']='macho' # adds universal flags to the generated libtool script inreplace "libtool" do |s| s.gsub! ":$verstring\"", ":$verstring -arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit} -arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_64_bit}\"" end system "make install" (bin/'flac2mp3').write end end __END__ #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Forked from filename, quality = ARGV[0], ARGV[1] abort "Usage: flac2mp3 FLACFILE [V2|V1|V0|320]\nDefault (and recommended) quality is V0." if filename.nil? qualarg = case quality when "V0","V1","V2" then quality when "320" then "b 320" else "V0" end map = {"TITLE" => "--tt", "ARTIST" => "--ta", "ALBUM" => "--tl", "TRACKNUMBER" => "--tn", "GENRE" => "--tg", "DATE" => "--ty"} args = "" `metaflac --export-tags-to=- "#{filename}"`.each_line do |line| key, value = line.strip.split('=', 2) key.upcase! args << %Q{#{map[key]} "#{value.gsub('"', '\"')}" } if map[key] end basename = File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename)) puts "Encoding #{basename}.mp3" exec %Q[flac -sdc "#{filename}" | lame -#{qualarg} #{args} - "#{basename}.mp3"]