class Plzip < Formula desc "Data compressor" homepage "" url "" sha256 "edafae3c15142ac0ebd84c2231ff81da4f68db58359a737e750f2780686c3612" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "3e266c42c66babd4fbdfe82645ab876fc7224846e94b26a39183c57404e17c35" => :mojave sha256 "0a5df85c11e9afb266709a907980424cd60f1d1fd3adda71e8b0f9939ddf72a7" => :high_sierra sha256 "c26a4b45c09173a4cb8ab2a56d2c5bb9018e16332e637d4d617bfcd75f90c0ad" => :sierra end depends_on "lzlib" # error: unknown type name 'pthread_mutex_t' and 'pthread_cond_t' # Reported 24 Nov 2017 to lzip-bug AT nongnu DOT org patch do url "" sha256 "9e6653248ade666922b353b362eda6383af73c85cd93936c70bd8257e027f2b1" end def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "check" ENV.deparallelize system "make", "install" end test do text = "Hello Homebrew!" compressed = pipe_output("#{bin}/plzip -c", text) assert_equal text, pipe_output("#{bin}/plzip -d", compressed) end end