class Openrtsp < Formula desc "Command-line RTSP client" homepage "" url "" sha256 "08fd7753df7a2ec9f6dbf12811e97bd814b76ed90ebe7dbc6396037947dfcb13" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "4bb26ef8c5e79d4b24d3e7e557180a68df746f61e71a762a79de42e09c586bc9" => :high_sierra sha256 "67b97b37e48f3fe3bbe7ab1894eaa9e91e333c1b001bc389cde3c0a113b97174" => :sierra sha256 "d40bc9a8f3cb2a55ca934aa4a6168685babf6cbebfb23ea99f97c2d8e44e3df6" => :el_capitan end def install if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "./genMakefiles", "macosx" else system "./genMakefiles", "macosx-32bit" end system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install" # Move the testing executables out of the main PATH libexec.install Dir.glob(bin/"test*") end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Testing executables have been placed in: #{libexec} EOS end test do assert_match "GNU", shell_output("#{bin}/live555ProxyServer 2>&1", 1) end end