require 'formula' def fortran? ARGV.include? '--enable-fortran' end def no_cxx? ARGV.include? '--disable-cxx' end class NetcdfCXX < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'd019853802092cf686254aaba165fc81' end class NetcdfFortran < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'cc3bf530223e8f4aff93793b9f197bf3' end class Netcdf < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'b920a6c3a30e9cd46fe96d9fb65ef17e' depends_on 'hdf5' def options [ ['--enable-fortran', 'Compile Fortran bindings'], ['--disable-cxx', "Don't compile C++ bindings"] ] end def install ENV.fortran if fortran? common_args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-static --enable-shared ] args = common_args.clone args.concat %w[--enable-netcdf4 --disable-doxygen] system './configure', *args system 'make install' # Add newly created installation to paths so that binding libraries can # find the core libs. ENV.prepend 'PATH', bin ENV.prepend 'CPPFLAGS', "-I#{include}" ENV.prepend 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{lib}" do system './configure', *common_args system 'make install' end unless no_cxx? do system './configure', *common_args system 'make install' end if fortran? end end