require 'formula' class ErlangManuals < Formula url '' sha1 'c8674767cd0c1f98946f6a08c7ae318c3f026988' end class ErlangHtmls < Formula url '' sha1 '49d761d8554a83be00e18f681b32b94572f9c050' end class ErlangHeadManuals < Formula url '' sha1 'c8674767cd0c1f98946f6a08c7ae318c3f026988' end class ErlangHeadHtmls < Formula url '' sha1 '49d761d8554a83be00e18f681b32b94572f9c050' end class Erlang < Formula homepage '' # Download tarball from GitHub; it is served faster than the official tarball. url '' sha1 '7843070f5d325f95ef13022fc416b22b6b14120d' head '', :branch => 'master' bottle do revision 1 sha1 '87d2acd2d27a9b774886a2fb7be0f8f919fca060' => :mountain_lion sha1 '79ec42e6340a32032c39715d4e0a5e1909918af5' => :lion sha1 'afafe2a4b51272eb6ed0f6bfdc4cbdfae0cdc19c' => :snow_leopard end # remove the autoreconf if possible depends_on :automake depends_on :libtool fails_with :llvm do build 2334 end option 'disable-hipe', "Disable building hipe; fails on various OS X systems" option 'halfword', 'Enable halfword emulator (64-bit builds only)' option 'time', '`brew test --time` to include a time-consuming test' option 'no-docs', 'Do not install documentation' def install ohai "Compilation takes a long time; use `brew install -v erlang` to see progress" unless ARGV.verbose? if ENV.compiler == :llvm # Don't use optimizations. Fixes build on Lion/Xcode 4.2 ENV.remove_from_cflags /-O./ ENV.append_to_cflags '-O0' end # Do this if building from a checkout to generate configure system "./otp_build autoconf" if File.exist? "otp_build" args = ["--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-kernel-poll", "--enable-threads", "--enable-dynamic-ssl-lib", "--enable-shared-zlib", "--enable-smp-support"] args << "--with-dynamic-trace=dtrace" unless MacOS.version <= :leopard or not MacOS::CLT.installed? unless build.include? 'disable-hipe' # HIPE doesn't strike me as that reliable on OS X # # args << '--enable-hipe' end if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args << "--enable-darwin-64bit" args << "--enable-halfword-emulator" if build.include? 'halfword' # Does not work with HIPE yet. Added for testing only end system "./configure", *args touch 'lib/wx/SKIP' if MacOS.version >= :snow_leopard system "make" ENV.j1 # Install is not thread-safe; can try to create folder twice and fail system "make install" unless build.include? 'no-docs' manuals = build.head? ? ErlangHeadManuals : ErlangManuals { man.install Dir['man/*'] # erl -man expects man pages in lib/erlang/man (lib+'erlang').install_symlink man } htmls = build.head? ? ErlangHeadHtmls : ErlangHtmls { doc.install Dir['*'] } end end def test `#{bin}/erl -noshell -eval 'crypto:start().' -s init stop` # This test takes some time to run, but per bug #120 should finish in # "less than 20 minutes". It takes a few minutes on a Mac Pro (2009). if build.include? "time" `#{bin}/dialyzer --build_plt -r #{lib}/erlang/lib/kernel-2.15/ebin/` end end end