class Citus < Formula desc "PostgreSQL-based distributed RDBMS" homepage "" url "" sha256 "3a2e976014a98739ab49f1ac7988ea2c72de7fd6735c5eb8d4d8b818267d93e4" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "e5b75ab7414ebdd7c07022bb9ae70fe0db966bfd9b5db9cfd92a03efff1b00d1" => :sierra sha256 "e99825247c17b017221bca0fda9ebcd1f6be5c00f7a5a01e64daae48cdf051c1" => :el_capitan end depends_on "postgresql" depends_on "readline" def install ENV["PG_CONFIG"] = Formula["postgresql"].opt_bin/"pg_config" system "./configure" # workaround for system "make", "libpq=-L#{Formula["postgresql"].opt_lib} -lpq" # Use stage directory to prevent installing to pg_config-defined dirs, # which would not be within this package's Cellar. mkdir "stage" system "make", "install", "DESTDIR=#{buildpath}/stage" bin.install Dir["stage/**/bin/*"] lib.install Dir["stage/**/lib/*"] include.install Dir["stage/**/include/*"] (share/"postgresql/extension").install Dir["stage/**/share/postgresql/extension/*"] end test do pg_bin = Formula["postgresql"].opt_bin pg_port = "55561" system "#{pg_bin}/initdb", testpath/"test" pid = fork do exec("#{pg_bin}/postgres", "-D", testpath/"test", "-c", "shared_preload_libraries=citus", "-p", pg_port) end begin sleep 2 count_workers_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master_get_active_worker_nodes();" system "#{pg_bin}/createdb", "-p", pg_port, "test" system "#{pg_bin}/psql", "-p", pg_port, "-d", "test", "--command", "CREATE EXTENSION citus;" assert_equal "0", shell_output("#{pg_bin}/psql -p #{pg_port} -d test -Atc" \ "'#{count_workers_query}'").strip ensure Process.kill 9, pid Process.wait pid end end end