class Multimarkdown < Formula desc "Turn marked-up plain text into well-formatted documents" homepage "" # Use git tag instead of the tarball to get submodules url "", :tag => "4.7.1", :revision => "3083076038cdaceb666581636ef9e1fc68472ff0" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "0f9758705ae952f5d33d5eec397bf352a182217500c73bdd64b5c43e5d5c640c" => :el_capitan sha256 "3ee488167591254206ff276f3b15ec760be60ff76bf1729ef0d49ba3efd1a1a2" => :yosemite sha256 "e1ca2bd2e5667406abe9629a03e12b6670336e6efdcdfa71b6b53e93f6f886a1" => :mavericks sha256 "7b3b8c13b58c25cd8eae393275361d7442d47e285df34898818604ac6279cb94" => :mountain_lion end conflicts_with "mtools", :because => "both install `mmd` binaries" conflicts_with "markdown", :because => "both install `markdown` binaries" conflicts_with "discount", :because => "both install `markdown` binaries" def install ENV.append "CFLAGS", "-g -O3 -include GLibFacade.h" system "make" rm_f Dir["scripts/*.bat"] bin.install "multimarkdown", Dir["scripts/*"] prefix.install "Support" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Support files have been installed to: #{opt_prefix}/Support EOS end test do assert_equal "
foo bar
\n", pipe_output(bin/"mmd", "foo *bar*\n") end end