class Ocamlsdl < Formula desc "OCaml interface with the SDL C library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "abfb295b263dc11e97fffdd88ea1a28b46df8cc2b196777093e4fe7f509e4f8f" revision 8 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "01d4b6848f1e138e621ee37698f81d128dd8aba1edb09e6b2a2466c1a413d085" => :high_sierra sha256 "6015c0a5a2c6e1f60ed2c67947df817d3f91f59e74179615ede58bd0fa7ac463" => :sierra sha256 "12bcce8fd2e3779988014ee22cc96653caaabb660010c6aefde798a64a030601" => :el_capitan end depends_on "sdl" depends_on "ocaml" depends_on "sdl_mixer" => :recommended depends_on "sdl_image" => :recommended depends_on "sdl_gfx" => :recommended depends_on "sdl_ttf" => :recommended def install ENV["OCAMLPARAM"] = "safe-string=0,_" # OCaml 4.06.0 compat system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "OCAMLLIB=#{lib}/ocaml" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"").write <<~EOS let main () = Sdl.init [`VIDEO]; Sdl.quit () let _ = main () EOS system "#{Formula["ocaml"].opt_bin}/ocamlopt", "-I", "+sdl", "sdl.cmxa", "-cclib", "-lSDLmain", "-cclib", "-lSDL", "-cclib", "-Wl,-framework,Cocoa", "-o", "test", "" system "./test" end end