class IrcdHybrid < Formula desc "High-performance secure IRC server" homepage "" url "" sha256 "10594036c8f1502d61f68f8feb9216aaed8d611df36145e34746d93039a830a7" bottle do sha256 "01479a3ad06cb6dc0bad08bbd516ba9e870ab3d3745374c656adefa43705b236" => :el_capitan sha256 "5e370515a3c039cde596171d07ae4a854410288591e128b55579b97ef0d8ad5d" => :yosemite sha256 "8def15837e5e34f1dcbc4899289f887db1ede97358d1bb97310ab4ab3b2037cc" => :mavericks end # ircd-hybrid needs the .la files skip_clean :la depends_on "openssl" conflicts_with "ircd-irc2", :because => "both install an `ircd` binary" def install ENV.j1 # build system trips over itself system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--localstatedir=#{var}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--enable-openssl=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix}" system "make", "install" etc.install "doc/reference.conf" => "ircd.conf" end test do system "#{bin}/ircd", "-version" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent You'll more than likely need to edit the default settings in the config file: #{etc}/ircd.conf EOS end plist_options :manual => "ircd" def plist; <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_sbin}/ircd RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} StandardErrorPath #{var}/ircd.log EOS end end