class SpeechTools < Formula desc "C++ speech software library from the University of Edinburgh" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e4fd97ed78f14464358d09f36dfe91bc1721b7c0fa6503e04364fb5847805dcc" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "b43389631b881f76529aa4458442b819dc5be784afbf5569f9e526ce3dc7e028" => :high_sierra sha256 "4d3681ee2194a92fcbad96371c499f5c2a71c59cfe8798b8092f0e57f793fca3" => :sierra sha256 "a0794d1d7f424833d2fe92726d26b6ebcc8dcf63b7f9700b19e1119ed7e2ca62" => :el_capitan end conflicts_with "align", :because => "both install `align` binaries" def install ENV.deparallelize system "./configure" system "make" # install all executable files in "main" directory bin.install Dir["main/*"].select { |f| File.file?(f) && File.executable?(f) } end test do rate_hz = 16000 frequency_hz = 100 duration_secs = 5 basename = "sine" txtfile = "#{basename}.txt" wavfile = "#{basename}.wav" ptcfile = "#{basename}.ptc", "w") do |f| scale = 2 ** 15 - 1 f.puts * rate_hz) { |i| (scale * Math.sin(frequency_hz * 2 * Math::PI * i / rate_hz)).to_i } end # convert to wav format using ch_wave system bin/"ch_wave", txtfile, "-itype", "raw", "-istype", "ascii", "-f", rate_hz.to_s, "-o", wavfile, "-otype", "riff" # pitch tracking to est format using pda system bin/"pda", wavfile, "-shift", (1 / frequency_hz.to_f).to_s, "-o", ptcfile, "-otype", "est" # extract one frame from the middle using ch_track, capturing stdout pitch = shell_output("#{bin}/ch_track #{ptcfile} -from #{frequency_hz * duration_secs / 2} -to #{frequency_hz * duration_secs / 2}") # should be 100 (Hz) assert_equal frequency_hz, pitch.to_i end end