require 'formula' class Abuse < Formula homepage '' url '' head 'svn://' md5 'ec678b8dc8d00e0382d8c805c6438489' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'sdl' depends_on 'libvorbis' def startup_script; <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash #{libexec}/abuse-bin -datadir "#{share}/abuse" "$@" EOS end def install # Add SDL.m4 to aclocal includes inreplace 'bootstrap', 'aclocal${amvers} ${aclocalflags}', 'aclocal${amvers} ${aclocalflags} -I/usr/local/share/aclocal' # undefined inreplace 'src/net/fileman.cpp', 'ushort', 'unsigned short' inreplace 'src/sdlport/setup.cpp', 'UInt8', 'uint8_t' # Re-enable OpenGL detection inreplace '', "#error\t/* Error so the compile fails on OSX */", '#include ' system "./bootstrap" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-debug", "--with-assetdir=#{share}/abuse", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-sdltest", "--with-sdl-prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" # Use Framework OpenGL, not libGl %w[ . src src/imlib src/lisp src/net src/sdlport ].each do |p| inreplace "#{p}/Makefile", '-lGL', '-framework OpenGL' end system "make" bin.install 'src/abuse-tool' libexec.install_p 'src/abuse', 'abuse-bin' (share+'abuse').install Dir["data/*"] - %w(data/Makefile data/ data/ # Use a startup script to find the game data (bin+'abuse').write startup_script end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Game settings and saves will be written to the ~/.abuse folder. EOS end def test system("#{libexec}/abuse-bin", '--help') end end