class Go < Formula desc "Go programming environment" homepage "" url "" mirror "" version "1.4.2" sha256 "299a6fd8f8adfdce15bc06bde926e7b252ae8e24dd5b16b7d8791ed79e7b5e9b" head "" bottle do revision 2 sha256 "bb8b8e79201d93eb69e77763535b201ea812d426e259f106e18f62ddf80f86dd" => :yosemite sha256 "46fbe85b2c75e45686ee463eeaa975ce1604f04ee611815d7c163f5feee90e03" => :mavericks sha256 "7913ecbc952e22f9d6e5df114b857ed23ad97adcbc88419fa3b6425b856ee38e" => :mountain_lion end devel do url "" version "1.5rc1" sha256 "c00c4762f70658ce1a7a06322ac1909d38fafca3b016ab20e62fffedcf09f9e4" end option "with-cc-all", "Build with cross-compilers and runtime support for all supported platforms" option "with-cc-common", "Build with cross-compilers and runtime support for darwin, linux and windows" option "without-cgo", "Build without cgo" option "without-godoc", "godoc will not be installed for you" option "without-vet", "vet will not be installed for you" deprecated_option "cross-compile-all" => "with-cc-all" deprecated_option "cross-compile-common" => "with-cc-common" resource "gotools" do url "", :revision => "69db398fe0e69396984e3967724820c1f631e971" end resource "gobootstrap" do if MacOS.version > :lion url "" sha256 "c2f53983fc8fe5159d811081022ebc401b8111759ce008f91193abdae82cdbc9" else url "" sha256 "da40e85a2c9bda9d2c29755c8b57b8d5932440ba466ca366c2a667697a62da4c" end end def install # host platform (darwin) must come last in the targets list if build.with? "cc-all" targets = [ ["linux", ["386", "amd64", "arm"]], ["freebsd", ["386", "amd64", "arm"]], ["netbsd", ["386", "amd64", "arm"]], ["openbsd", ["386", "amd64"]], ["windows", ["386", "amd64"]], ["dragonfly", ["386", "amd64"]], ["plan9", ["386", "amd64"]], ["solaris", ["amd64"]], ["darwin", ["386", "amd64"]] ] elsif build.with? "cc-common" targets = [ ["linux", ["386", "amd64", "arm"]], ["windows", ["386", "amd64"]], ["darwin", ["386", "amd64"]] ] else targets = [["darwin", [""]]] end if build.head? || build.devel? # GOROOT_FINAL must be overidden later on real Go install ENV["GOROOT_FINAL"] = buildpath/"gobootstrap" # build the gobootstrap toolchain Go >=1.4 (buildpath/"gobootstrap").install resource("gobootstrap") cd "#{buildpath}/gobootstrap/src" do system "./make.bash", "--no-clean" end # This should happen after we build the test Go, just in case # the bootstrap toolchain is aware of this variable too. ENV["GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP"] = ENV["GOROOT_FINAL"] end cd "src" do targets.each do |os, archs| cgo_enabled = os == "darwin" && build.with?("cgo") ? "1" : "0" archs.each do |arch| ENV["GOROOT_FINAL"] = libexec ENV["GOOS"] = os ENV["GOARCH"] = arch ENV["CGO_ENABLED"] = cgo_enabled ohai "Building go for #{arch}-#{os}" system "./make.bash", "--no-clean" end end end (buildpath/"pkg/obj").rmtree rm_rf "gobootstrap" # Bootstrap not required beyond compile. libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/go*"] if build.with?("godoc") || build.with?("vet") ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath (buildpath/"src/").install resource("gotools") if build.with? "godoc" cd "src/" do system "go", "build" (libexec/"bin").install "godoc" end bin.install_symlink libexec/"bin/godoc" end if build.with? "vet" cd "src/" do system "go", "build" # This is where Go puts vet natively; not in the bin. (libexec/"pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/").install "vet" end end end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent As of go 1.2, a valid GOPATH is required to use the `go get` command: You may wish to add the GOROOT-based install location to your PATH: export PATH=$PATH:#{opt_libexec}/bin EOS end test do (testpath/"hello.go").write <<-EOS.undent package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } EOS # Run go fmt check for no errors then run the program. # This is a a bare minimum of go working as it uses fmt, build, and run. system "#{bin}/go", "fmt", "hello.go" assert_equal "Hello World\n", `#{bin}/go run hello.go` if build.with? "godoc" assert File.exist?(libexec/"bin/godoc") assert File.executable?(libexec/"bin/godoc") end if build.with? "vet" assert File.exist?(libexec/"pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/vet") assert File.executable?(libexec/"pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/vet") end end end