require 'formula' class Field3d < Formula url '' homepage '' sha1 '1bbd1c7cadca96d5f0d58f3f2a27241d481e205f' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'scons' => :build depends_on 'doxygen' => :build depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'ilmbase' depends_on 'hdf5' def install # Set the compilers for Homebrew - was fixed to gcc & g++ inreplace 'SConstruct', 'env = Environment()', <<-EOS.undent env = Environment()\n env.Replace(CC = "#{}") env.Replace(CXX = "#{ENV.cxx}") EOS inreplace '' do |s| s.gsub! '/opt/local/include', "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include" s.gsub! '/opt/local/lib', "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib" # Merge Homebrew's CFLAGS into the build's CCFLAGS passed to CC and CXX s.gsub! 'env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["-Wall"])', "env.MergeFlags(['#{ENV.cflags}'])" end # Build the software with scons. if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "scons do64=1" else system "scons" end # Build the docs with cmake mkdir 'macbuild' Dir.chdir 'macbuild' do system "cmake .." system "make doc" end # Install the libraries and docs. b = if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? 'install/darwin/m64/release/' else 'install/darwin/m32/release/' end lib.install Dir[b+'lib/*'] include.install Dir[b+'include/*'] doc.install Dir['docs/html/*'] end end