require 'formula' class Dmd < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'caa653b1d92648e6103acfe5fb8e6732' def doc #use d and not dmd, rationale: meh prefix+'share/doc/d' end def install ohai "Installing dmd" # clean it up a little first Dir['src/*.mak'].each {|f| File.unlink f} mv 'license.txt', 'COPYING' mv 'README.TXT', 'README' mv 'src/phobos/phoboslicense.txt', 'src/phobos/COPYING.phobos' prefix.install 'osx/lib' prefix.install 'osx/bin' prefix.install 'src' man.install 'man/man1' (prefix+'src/dmd').rmtree # we don't need the dmd sources thanks man5.install man1+'dmd.conf.5' # oops (share+'d/examples').install Dir['samples/d/*.d'] (bin+'dmd.conf').open('w') do |f| f.puts "[Environment]" f.puts "DFLAGS=-I#{prefix}/src/phobos -I#{prefix}/src/druntime/import" end end end