class ClassDump < Formula desc "Utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "94f5286c657dca02dbed4514b2dbd791b42ecef5122e3945a855caf8d1f65e64" # It uses the system OpenSSL and breaks if you try to feed it another. # Upstream have switched to CommonCrypto but no new release & still problems. # # # Potential boneyard if not resolved soon - @DomT4 - November 2015. depends_on MaximumMacOSRequirement => :mavericks end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation revision 2 sha256 "1122ce44de336a9d1973fb3f41c860504724711241681e88ab201baf0be8378b" => :mavericks end head do url "" # Removes the last references to libcrypto. patch do url "" sha256 "50c9af3c534f0803133e1f69ed820b5094b0b3adf0861c95a3488f8399974640" end end depends_on :macos => :mavericks depends_on :xcode => :build def install xcodebuild "-configuration", "Release", "SYMROOT=build", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES" bin.install "build/Release/class-dump" end end