class GitTest < Formula desc "Run tests on each distinct tree in a revision list" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d07ead646d12218b857fe756cc04e15a9bd200726ff5d3692ef17b80cdc6ccc6" bottle :unneeded # Fixes two tests in the in the test block # Reported 17 Jul 2016: patch do url "" sha256 "b69e23e66b61d9333876fdb6756949d19b24ac03ed5052a576b84b74a88616b6" end def install pkgshare.install "" bin.install "git-test" man1.install "git-test.1" end test do system "git", "init" ln_s bin/"git-test", testpath cp pkgshare/"", testpath chmod 0755, "" system "git", "add", "" system "git", "commit", "-m", "initial commit" ENV["TERM"] = "xterm" system bin/"git-test", "-v", "HEAD", "--verify='./'" end end