require 'formula' # Installs the binary build of MLton. # Since MLton is written in ML, building from source # would require an existing ML compiler/interpreter for bootstrapping. class StandardHomebrewLocation < Requirement satisfy HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s == "/usr/local" def message; <<-EOS.undent mlton won't work outside of /usr/local Because this uses pre-compiled binaries, it will not work if Homebrew is installed somewhere other than /usr/local; mlton will be unable to find GMP. EOS end end class Mlton < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'b5e067f2f3d2166d074602f83b03004587f3adab' # We download and install the version of MLton which is statically linked to libgmp, but all # generated executables will require gmp anyway, hence the dependency depends_on StandardHomebrewLocation depends_on 'gmp' def install cd "local" do # Remove OS X droppings rm Dir["man/man1/._*"] mv "man", "share" prefix.install Dir['*'] end end end