class Arangodb < Formula desc "The Multi-Model NoSQL Database" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4a342516ee527160c00cb7f36e82ba22e457514c2ae681b3df9e8508de0e8e41" head "", :branch => "unstable" bottle do sha256 "60df0f32b09d0be5a7f555cbe0a03a28b69c302a78a5ea52b31d441b4e0a46a2" => :mojave sha256 "feeb0494306268080456b4aa069ced62e7030e2a3998978e20308735e70c29f9" => :high_sierra sha256 "c575e90704fd05381f29d06fe6cd47eb88183d3cd7d4b7a2122ff91499c127e1" => :sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "go" => :build depends_on :macos => :yosemite depends_on "openssl" # see fails_with :gcc => "7" # the ArangoStarter is in a separate github repository; # it is used to easily start single server and clusters # with a unified CLI resource "starter" do url "", :revision => "ca2ddf942ba63c47bbccdc47fd362377b8c88b19" end def install ENV.cxx11 resource("starter").stage do ENV.append "GOPATH", Dir.pwd + "/.gobuild" system "make", "deps" # use commit-id as projectBuild commit = `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp system "go", "build", "-ldflags", "-X main.projectVersion=0.14.0 -X main.projectBuild=#{commit}", "-o", "arangodb", "" bin.install "arangodb" end mkdir "build" do args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DHOMEBREW=ON -DUSE_OPTIMIZE_FOR_ARCHITECTURE=OFF -DASM_OPTIMIZATIONS=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR=#{share} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR=#{share} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=#{etc} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR=#{var} -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=#{MacOS.version} ] if ENV.compiler == "gcc-6" ENV.append "V8_CXXFLAGS", "-O3 -g -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" end system "cmake", "..", *args system "make", "install" %w[arangod arango-dfdb arangosh foxx-manager].each do |f| inreplace etc/"arangodb3/#{f}.conf", pkgshare, opt_pkgshare end end end def post_install (var/"lib/arangodb3").mkpath (var/"log/arangodb3").mkpath end def caveats s = <<~EOS An empty password has been set. Please change it by executing #{opt_sbin}/arango-secure-installation EOS s end plist_options :manual => "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/arangodb/sbin/arangod" def plist; <<~EOS KeepAlive Label #{plist_name} Program #{opt_sbin}/arangod RunAtLoad EOS end test do require "pty" testcase = "require('@arangodb').print('it works!')" output = shell_output("#{bin}/arangosh --server.password \"\" --javascript.execute-string \"#{testcase}\"") assert_equal "it works!", output.chomp ohai "#{bin}/arangodb --starter.instance-up-timeout 1m --starter.mode single" PTY.spawn("#{bin}/arangodb", "--starter.instance-up-timeout", "1m", "--starter.mode", "single", "--starter.disable-ipv6", "--server.arangod", "#{sbin}/arangod", "--server.js-dir", "#{share}/arangodb3/js") do |r, _, pid| begin loop do available =[r], [], [], 60) assert_not_equal available, nil line = r.readline.strip ohai line break if line.include?("Your single server can now be accessed") end ensure Process.kill "SIGINT", pid ohai "shuting down #{pid}" end end end end