require "language/node" class Jsdoc3 < Formula desc "API documentation generator for JavaScript" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f80dd27d77c4b6110cc4c548c2c026eee7df6c86df2bb047e2a6c30594bba088" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "970d55e99b1a144509611b0adaaf1ddf383428525c39bd801f1eb5dd298d515e" => :mojave sha256 "1396c869bd6e91209c5d41902dcd5a5a2018b4f80746d726db606aad98b4cc32" => :high_sierra sha256 "9d1b8234b82fcc7839015e3b08364a1a5aa3e431fbcf717f58c777cd43cebb07" => :sierra end depends_on "node" def install system "npm", "install", *Language::Node.std_npm_install_args(libexec) inreplace libexec/"lib/node_modules/jsdoc/node_modules/requizzle/lib/requizzle.js", "if (lookupPaths[0] === targetPath && lookupPaths[1].length === 0) {", "if (lookupPaths == null || lookupPaths[0] === targetPath && lookupPaths[1].length === 0) {" bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] end test do (testpath/"test.js").write <<~EOS /** * Represents a formula. * @constructor * @param {string} name - the name of the formula. * @param {string} version - the version of the formula. **/ function Formula(name, version) {} EOS system bin/"jsdoc", "--verbose", "test.js" end end