class TerraformAT011 < Formula desc "Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure" homepage "" url "" sha256 "50b75c94c4d3bfe44cfc12c740126747b6b34c014602777154356caa85a783f4" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e6db9ebe826e856ff9bb10ffcb8885ce9bf1535ced8c3b477ae48d64c0c99de2" => :catalina sha256 "4460e332118c477f7389093d533e63752469973487275f1d656a80974d723888" => :mojave sha256 "a7b28af5ba3c9f06614eef3ca71653fbfacc3ff62abbaa75f4c187f996584af8" => :high_sierra sha256 "eb5d3500ed06ce55c984e79a317050b4483b25774bf6a77147dfdb2c3746fa25" => :sierra end keg_only :versioned_formula depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "gox" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV.prepend_create_path "PATH", buildpath/"bin" dir = buildpath/"src/" dir.install buildpath.children - [buildpath/".brew_home"] cd dir do # v0.6.12 - source contains tests which fail if these environment variables are set locally. ENV.delete "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" ENV.delete "AWS_SECRET_KEY" ENV["XC_OS"] = "darwin" ENV["XC_ARCH"] = "amd64" system "make", "tools", "test", "bin" bin.install "pkg/darwin_amd64/terraform" prefix.install_metafiles end end test do minimal = testpath/"" minimal.write <<~EOS variable "aws_region" { default = "us-west-2" } variable "aws_amis" { default = { eu-west-1 = "ami-b1cf19c6" us-east-1 = "ami-de7ab6b6" us-west-1 = "ami-3f75767a" us-west-2 = "ami-21f78e11" } } # Specify the provider and access details provider "aws" { access_key = "this_is_a_fake_access" secret_key = "this_is_a_fake_secret" region = "${var.aws_region}" } resource "aws_instance" "web" { instance_type = "m1.small" ami = "${lookup(var.aws_amis, var.aws_region)}" count = 4 } EOS system "#{bin}/terraform", "init" system "#{bin}/terraform", "graph" end end