class Etsh < Formula desc "Two ports of /bin/sh from V6 UNIX (circa 1975)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0cee9f6720b8845fe4da021f8b1100def02743d2dc6146129a31bd88551787d1" version_scheme 1 head "", :branch => "current" bottle do sha256 "dda11158c3e34a652add53d0352620db9eff24092579b4be8827f996fa36514e" => :sierra sha256 "d976a16aabaaa824e1c1e29313946de34fc62a1ab966055db994ad297ffc42a0" => :el_capitan sha256 "410b6fe0fa1de99d8aa4133131b4e28beec2ba270e59de7e125031217f6b584c" => :yosemite end option "with-examples", "Build with shell examples" conflicts_with "teleport", :because => "both install `tsh` binaries" resource "examples" do url "" sha256 "c23251137de67b042067b68f71cd85c3993c566831952af305f1fde93edcaf4d" end def install system "./configure" system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "SYSCONFDIR=#{etc}", "MANDIR=#{man1}" bin.install_symlink "etsh" => "osh" bin.install_symlink "tsh" => "sh6" if build.with? "examples" resource("examples").stage do ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin system "./INSTALL", libexec end end end test do assert_match "brew!", shell_output("#{bin}/etsh -c 'echo brew!'").strip if build.with? "examples" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", libexec assert_match "1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19", shell_output("#{libexec}/counts").strip end end end