require 'formula' class Gdal < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'b4df76e2c0854625d2bedce70cc1eaf4205594ae' head do url '' depends_on 'doxygen' => :build end option 'complete', 'Use additional Homebrew libraries to provide more drivers.' option 'with-postgres', 'Specify PostgreSQL as a dependency.' option 'with-mysql', 'Specify MySQL as a dependency.' option 'enable-opencl', 'Build with OpenCL acceleration.' option 'enable-armadillo', 'Build with Armadillo accelerated TPS transforms.' option 'enable-unsupported', "Allow configure to drag in any library it can find. Invoke this at your own risk." depends_on :python => :recommended depends_on :libpng depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'giflib' depends_on 'libtiff' depends_on 'libgeotiff' depends_on 'proj' depends_on 'geos' depends_on 'sqlite' # To ensure compatibility with SpatiaLite. depends_on 'freexl' depends_on 'libspatialite' depends_on "postgresql" => :optional depends_on "mysql" => :optional # Without Numpy, the Python bindings can't deal with raster data. depends_on 'numpy' => :python if build.with? 'python' depends_on 'homebrew/science/armadillo' if build.include? 'enable-armadillo' if build.include? 'complete' # Raster libraries depends_on "homebrew/science/netcdf" # Also brings in HDF5 depends_on "jasper" depends_on "webp" depends_on "cfitsio" depends_on "epsilon" depends_on "libdap" # Vector libraries depends_on "unixodbc" # OS X version is not complete enough depends_on "xerces-c" # Other libraries depends_on "xz" # get liblzma compression algorithm library from XZutils depends_on "poppler" end def png_prefix MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion ? HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt/libpng" : MacOS::X11.prefix end def get_configure_args args = [ # Base configuration. "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}", "--disable-debug", "--with-local=#{prefix}", "--with-threads", "--with-libtool", # GDAL native backends. "--with-pcraster=internal", "--with-pcidsk=internal", "--with-bsb", "--with-grib", "--with-pam", # Backends supported by OS X. "--with-libiconv-prefix=/usr", "--with-libz=/usr", "--with-png=#{png_prefix}", "--with-expat=/usr", "--with-curl=/usr/bin/curl-config", # Default Homebrew backends. "--with-jpeg=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--without-jpeg12", # Needs specially configured JPEG and TIFF libraries. "--with-gif=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-libtiff=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-geotiff=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-sqlite3=#{Formula.factory('sqlite').opt_prefix}", "--with-freexl=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-spatialite=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-geos=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/geos-config", "--with-static-proj4=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", # GRASS backend explicitly disabled. Creates a chicken-and-egg problem. # Should be installed separately after GRASS installation using the # official GDAL GRASS plugin. "--without-grass", "--without-libgrass" ] # Optional Homebrew packages supporting additional formats. supported_backends = %w[ liblzma cfitsio hdf5 netcdf jasper xerces odbc dods-root epsilon webp poppler ] if build.include? 'complete' supported_backends.delete 'liblzma' args << '--with-liblzma=yes' args.concat {|b| '--with-' + b + '=' + HOMEBREW_PREFIX} else args.concat {|b| '--without-' + b} unless build.include? 'enable-unsupported' end # The following libraries are either proprietary, not available for public # download or have no stable version in the Homebrew core that is # compatible with GDAL. Interested users will have to install such software # manually and most likely have to tweak the install routine. # # Podofo is disabled because Poppler provides the same functionality and # then some. unsupported_backends = %w[ gta ogdi fme hdf4 openjpeg fgdb ecw kakadu mrsid jp2mrsid mrsid_lidar msg oci ingres libkml dwgdirect idb sde podofo rasdaman ] args.concat {|b| '--without-' + b} unless build.include? 'enable-unsupported' # Database support. args << (build.with?("postgres") ? "--with-pg=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pg_config" : "--without-pg") args << (build.with?("mysql") ? "--with-mysql=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/mysql_config" : "--without-mysql") # Python is installed manually to ensure everything is properly sandboxed. args << '--without-python' # Scripting APIs that have not been re-worked to respect Homebrew prefixes. # # Currently disabled as they install willy-nilly into locations outside of # the Homebrew prefix. Enable if you feel like it, but uninstallation may be # a manual affair. # # TODO: Fix installation of script bindings so they install into the # Homebrew prefix. args << "--without-perl" args << "--without-php" args << "--without-ruby" args << (build.include?("enable-opencl") ? "--with-opencl" : "--without-opencl") args << (build.include?("enable-armadillo") ? "--with-armadillo=yes" : "--with-armadillo=no") return args end def patches # Prevent build failure on 10.6 / 10.7 # TODO: Remove when 1.10.2 releases # DATA end def install # Linking flags for SQLite are not added at a critical moment when the GDAL # library is being assembled. This causes the build to fail due to missing # symbols. Also, ensure Homebrew SQLite is used so that Spatialite is # functional. # # Fortunately, this can be remedied using LDFLAGS. sqlite = Formula.factory 'sqlite' ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{sqlite.opt_prefix}/lib -lsqlite3" ENV.append 'CFLAGS', "-I#{sqlite.opt_prefix}/include" # Needed by libdap. ENV.libxml2 if build.include? 'complete' # Reset ARCHFLAGS to match how we build. ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] = "-arch #{MacOS.preferred_arch}" # Fix hardcoded mandir: inreplace 'configure', %r[^mandir='\$\{prefix\}/man'$], '' system "./configure", *get_configure_args system "make" system "make install" python do # `python-config` may try to talk us into building bindings for more # architectures than we really should. if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ENV.append_to_cflags "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_64_bit}" else ENV.append_to_cflags "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit}" end cd 'swig/python' do system python, "", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--record=installed.txt", "--single-version-externally-managed" bin.install Dir['scripts/*'] end end system 'make', 'man' if build.head? system 'make', 'install-man' # Clean up any stray doxygen files. Dir[bin + '*.dox'].each { |p| rm p } end def caveats if python python.standard_caveats + <<-EOS.undent This version of GDAL was built with Python support. In addition to providing modules that makes GDAL functions available to Python scripts, the Python binding provides additional command line tools. EOS end end end __END__ diff --git a/port/cpl_spawn.cpp b/port/cpl_spawn.cpp index d702594..69ea3c2 100644 --- a/port/cpl_spawn.cpp +++ b/port/cpl_spawn.cpp @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ void CPLSpawnAsyncCloseErrorFileHandle(CPLSpawnedProcess* p) #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif - #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE) + #if defined(__APPLE__) && (!defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE) || TARGET_OS_IPHONE==0) #include #define environ (*_NSGetEnviron()) #else