class GnuTar < Formula desc "GNU version of the tar archiving utility" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "cae466e6e58c7292355e7080248f244db3a4cf755f33f4fa25ca7f9a7ed09af0" bottle do sha256 "edf7148e819d8ba45806411b9a2d893b809bb61de90675dc81aad99f788c73a7" => :el_capitan sha256 "3042c3b538b323aca4b235328186d5e895a1d3a68ccc26dbf5a02550b49eeff9" => :yosemite sha256 "a78e67c9ff6ba6e00001ac0359aeb2517c1288f3e2486581675faa978084c88f" => :mavericks end option "with-default-names", "Do not prepend 'g' to the binary" def install # Work around unremovable, nested dirs bug that affects lots of # GNU projects. See: # # # This is thought to be an el_capitan bug: # if MacOS.version == :el_capitan ENV["gl_cv_func_getcwd_abort_bug"] = "no" end args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}"] args << "--program-prefix=g" if build.without? "default-names" system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" # Symlink the executable into libexec/gnubin as "tar" if build.without? "default-names" (libexec/"gnubin").install_symlink bin/"gtar" =>"tar" (libexec/"gnuman/man1").install_symlink man1/"gtar.1" => "tar.1" end end def caveats if build.without? "default-names" then <<-EOS.undent gnu-tar has been installed as "gtar". If you really need to use it as "tar", you can add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc like: PATH="#{opt_libexec}/gnubin:$PATH" Additionally, you can access their man pages with normal names if you add the "gnuman" directory to your MANPATH from your bashrc as well: MANPATH="#{opt_libexec}/gnuman:$MANPATH" EOS end end test do tar = build.with?("default-names") ? bin/"tar" : bin/"gtar" (testpath/"test").write("test") system tar, "-czvf", "test.tar.gz", "test" assert_match /test/, shell_output("#{tar} -xOzf test.tar.gz") end end